For read of the month we have digitalised the oldest artefact that we have in our archive, An Anarchist Manifesto, published, May 1st. 1895 by the London Anarchist Communist Alliance.
The Anarchist Manifesto 1895
James Tochatti (from Ballater, real name Moncure Douglas 1852-1928) and Louisa Sarah Bevington wrote for ‘Liberty – A Journal of Anarchist Communism’ which explored alternative views from ‘propaganda by the deed’. Amongst others they founded The Anarchist Communist Alliance and produced this Manifesto, a short lived organisation set up in May 1895.
Liberty stated ‘ we believe that bombastic talk and glorifying the acts of men driven to desperation by circumstances can only serve to retard the progress of Anarchist ideas by alienating the sympathies of the mass of the people’[Libcom]. They produced the Anarchist Manifesto 1895 in May but due to illness and the death of Bevington, the Alliance ended. You can read more on James and Elizabeth Tochatti and Louisa Sarah Bevington at Libcom (