The Spirit of Revolt group has just completed its first public exhibition, it was held in the Mitchell Library, and was called, Radical Presses Clydeside it ran from 12-19th Jan 2013. As far as those who manned the exhibition, it turned out to be a very pleasant and successful event. Why Pleasant? Well because we all got to meet new people and they all showed a keen interest in what we were trying to do. Why successful? Simply because lots of those we spoke to wanted to know more of what was on display and some were very eager to get involved. What more could we have hoped for.
If you saw the exhibition but didn’t leave a comment but would now like to add your voice, or would like to know more about what we do, please get in touch through the contacts link.
The group would like to thank all those who visited the exhibition and a special thanks to all those who commented.
At the start of the exhibition, a comrade suggested we try to log responses, this we did. Another member drew up a questionnaire sheet, while another created a comments sheet. We had 25 comments and 7 questionnaire sheets completed.
We had additional enquiries from ;
A lecturer at GCU who wanted his students to use it.
A researcher into Airdrie Masonic Lodge who wanted info on the radicals movement.
2 activists who want to get involved with helping in the archive scanning etc.
Here are a list of the comments:
Groundbreaking. Jim McFarlane
I will take a look in my ‘archive ‘ for more of this stuff. Mark Meneely
Very interesting – fantastic to see this stuff in public view! Flora. McLuskey
Brilliant, we need more exhibitions like this showing Glasgow’s REAL history. Roger Grant
An important show. Very. Alasdair Gray
Excellent and inspiring stuff – keep going! Scott Hames
Great stuff. Glad to see you getting it out there. Johnny Rodger
Great Work, Need a bigger exhibition!!!
Enjoyed it, more on John McLean.
Fantastic! Good to know that a people’s history gets a voice in Glasgow!
Where did all those years go!! A Knotts
If you can stand up and not give up sometimes that is enough not always will someone pick up but if you lie down for a while eventually you have to get up.
This is the best exhibition I have seen in this space. More Please! Well done to all involved – in sisterhood, Adele Patrick Glasgow Women’s Library!
Excellently curated and great of materials. Bravo!
Loads of informative, inspiring (and funny) stuff. Its good seeing the creative output of Glasgow’s radicals.
Great Stuff, Thanks for putting this together and getting it displayed.
Very interesting exhibition. Clearly presented. Would love to see more from you.
Excellent. Thank you for holding it.
Excellent exhibit. Get in touch if you’re wanting to start a wider peoples history movement. Gareth B
Inspiring ! Keith Fyans
Excellent! Need this more than ever now!! F. McNab
Thanks for this exhibition and also for keeping the archive. This is crucial work and it is exciting that the materials are being preserved and disseminated in the same spirit that produced them. Maria Velez
Amazing view of 100 years of resistance! It is great to see the clarity, cleverness and sense of humour that keeps arising amonst the radicals. Alvaro Huertas
Good, well done, keep up the archiving David Hoyle
More emphasis on ‘anarchist’ Its important we write our own history. Mick Gallagher.
7 Questionnaires filled out.
1. 3 out of 7 were passer by who happened to see the display.
Others were word of mouth/ mailing lists
2. Layout,
could spread posters around
excellent. Very well appointed
Very good
3 difficulty reading view under reflective glass
4 slide show? No didn’t see
5 do you understand the archive from the leaflet?
6. would you suggest donating material
Yes ask peoples palace for copies of their stuff Already donated.
7. volunteer help? Yes very helpful . very knowledgeable Great
8 publicity for future? Flyers in other libraries/ social media/ film/ schools university politics